ANNOUNCEMENT POST - Hive Power Up Day, September 1st 2020

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Just under a week from today, on September 1st, 2020, the next Hive Power Up Day will be here! Since @streetstyle is still AFK (away from keyboard), I'm continuing to run his initiative in his absence, as well as sending good thoughts in his direction and hoping we hear from him soon that all is well. There are also some big & exciting changes happening this month, including the merging of #HivePUD with the Spanish #HPUD initiative, as well as some AMAZING new badges for Power Up Day courtesy of the @hivebuzz team, so let's get started!

What is HivePUD?

Hive Power Up Day has been taking place on the first day of every month since it's inception on that other blockchain over a year ago. There's a great old post from @sndbox that explains all the reasons you personally benefit from powering up. For the community as a whole, it's a great way to show support for our blockchain home by staking (aka powering up) Hive and adding to its value. And as @streetstyle has always said...

On the first day of the month...

• ...we ask that everyone who can do so, power up any amount of HIVE they are holding on the first of the month.

• ... we ask accounts that are currently powering down to please pause the powerdown during the hours of the first of the month.

• ... we ask that those who are trading and/or selling Hive, not to do so during the hours of the first of the month (and if possible, cancel any type of sell order on any exchanges for the same hours).

Also, after chatting with someone the other day, I realized I don't think I've ever really put into words what it means to me personaly to power up Hive - I mean yes, I've obviously thought about it, but I was asked, "Why do you want to see people powering up their Hive?" and it took me a minute to figure out an answer to that pretty simple question.

I ended up saying (which I've edited a bit to try to make me sound smarter, of course) that I believe Hive has the ability to grow far beyond our current expectations, and it's encouraging to me to see other people (from whales to the tiniest fish in the Hive ocean) powering up, as it shows we all share the same long term vision for our blockchain home.

And as we saw with what happened on that other blockchain, the more we all power up, the more voice we all have in governance (higher stake means your vote counts for more), so we can have our say in things like top witnesses, proposals, and such. Plus there's something to be said for the financial benefit of bigger curation rewards, and earning passive income from the interest off our stake.

How to qualify for prizes

Remember what I said about changes? Here's one of them - while these are based on @streetstyle's original rules, after some discussion with @arcange and @victoriabsb, I'm adding in a minimum amount of Hive to power up. But don't panic - this is actually a very cool & potentially very beneficial thing. I'll get to that in a moment, but for now, the requirements are:

  • Your reputation must be above 39 and below 70.
  • Your total Hive Power (before the 1st) must be more than 100 and less than 8000.
  • NEW:
    You must power up at least 10 Hive on September 1st.
  • You must write a post about your power up on September 1st with the tag #HivePUD (International) or #HPUD (Spanish).
To be included in the winners list, you must meet all four requirements above. The order of the list (first place, second place, and so on) will be determined by the biggest PERCENTAGE of Hive powered up, not necessarily the most Hive powered up. As @streetstyle used for an example -

If you have 1000 HIVE Power already powered up prior to SEPTEMBER 1, and on SEPTEMBER 1 you complete steps 1-4 with a 100 HIVE Power Up,


another HIVE member has 300 HIVE Powered up prior to SEPTEMBER 1, and on SEPTEMBER 1st Powers Up 60 HIVE Coin, then this 2nd user would be winning with a 20% power up versus the first example with a bigger power up but smaller percentage of only 10% based on their account.

What are the changes?

As I mentioned, @arcange reached out on behalf of the @hivebuzz team, with some wicked exciting plans for the Hive Power Up Day badges, as well as cool challenges through the site. Because of the awesome things they have in store, we all decided it would be easier to merge the #HivePUD and Spanish #HPUD into one initiative with one prize pool. So while @victoriabsb will be checking the #HPUD tag for qualified entries and I'll be checking the #HivePUD tag, all who qualify will be on the same winners list.

What does that mean?

Simply that...

Speaking of, here are a few words from Victoria (aka one of the busiest & most awesome mommas on the blockchain!) via the aforementioned post -


So, this is an exciting announcement! You guys know by now I’m not that original to come up with this whole Hive Power Up Day all on my own, this was originally a project of @streetstyle, that I decided to bring to the Venezuelans and since last time to the whole Hispanic community on our native language spanish, since streetstyle has gone on a break from the blockchain the lovely @traciyork has taken the original initiative under her wing, and so, when her and @arcange reach out to me to see if I want to join forces and make the Hispanic initiative part of the Global one OF COURSE I SAID YES!


Ok, ¡este es un anuncio emocionante! Ustedes saben que no soy tan original como para crear todo este Hive Power Up Day yo solita, esto fue originalmente un proyecto de @streetstyle, que decidí llevar a los venezolanos y la última vez a todos los hispanos, en nuestro idioma nativo, desde que streetstyle descansa de la blockchain, la encantadora @traciyork ha tomado la iniciativa original bajo su protección, y cuando ella y @arcange se comunicaron conmigo para ver si quiera unir fuerzas y hacer que la iniciativa hispana forme parte de la global. ¡POR SUPUESTO QUE DIJE QUE SÍ!

Oh, and be sure to follow the @hivebuzz so you don't miss upcoming announcements about some other cool features they're working on!

Why the minimum Hive Power requirement?

Last month, when the HiveBuzz badge for powering up 100 Hive was announced, I was thrilled because I was able to just about scrape together - otherwise I would've just gone with what I had available (don't quote me, but I think it was only around 40 or 50 Hive that I'd saved over the month). Talk about being a prim example of the power of incentivizing power ups with super cool badges! I wish I could say my next step was to check if Victoria would be able to qualify, but my greedy little gamer brain was too excited at the prospect of getting one. Luckily @arcange has a much more generous brain and powered up Hive on Victoria's behalf so she could receive the badge too.

Yes, powered up on her behalf.

You would think that as someone running the Power Up Day festivities, I would've remembered that that was a thing. 😂

When talking to him about it, he reminded me that other people are able to help their friends power up and get the Power Up Day badge (all the details in THIS POST), so for example - say Charles wants the badge, and his friends Alice & Bob want to help him.

Alice powers up 3 HIVE to Charles and Bob powers up 7 HIVE to Charles.
Total is 10 HIVE and meets the minimum requirement so Charles get the PUD badge

Isn't that wicked cool? I know I'd be onboard with helping small accounts trying to reach the 10 Hive minimum for powering up, and I'm sure there are much bigger accounts around who would also be willing. So instead of the 10 Hive minimum being a hindrance to people, I see it much in the way the HiveBuzz team does - it's a great way to encourage people to help each other out!


In addition to making your own vote more valuable and adding to your curation rewards (as well as earning interest on your stake), some amazing members of the Hive community are offering prizes that include delegations, Hive giveaways, and other cool stuff (listed below).

And once again in @streetstyle's own words...

The prizes are meant to incentivize the smaller members of the HIVE, the young bees looking to turn blogging nectar in honey for the HIVE. By Powering Up Hive coins into Hive Power, members of the HIVE show support for the HIVE BLOCKCHAIN and the HIVE Community while helping to grow their own account as well.
If you'd like to jump in and offer a prize for future #HivePUDs just shout out either in the comment section, or on Discord (traciyork#4860) and I'll be sure to update the prize list accordingly!

And no worries if your account is too big/small to qualify for an "official" prize - remember that any time you power up, you "win" a bigger upvote and more power on the blockchain. Can't go wrong with a prize like that! 😍

Prize list

I've had prize confirmations from a handful of people so far, and will update this list as we go. For now (based on the past couple of months) these are the potential prizes, marked accordingly as ⛔ (NOT CONFIRMED) and ✔️ (CONFIRMED).


1st Place -

  • 500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @giftgiver / @rishi556
  • 500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n
  • 500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor @davedickeyyall
  • 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️


2nd Place -

  • 250 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @bethvalverde
  • 100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @hextech
  • 100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n
  • 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️


3rd Place -

  • 50 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n
  • 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️


4th-17th Place Each -

  • 25 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n


4th-20th Place Each -

  • 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels - Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️



  • 1,000 total HIVE Power Delegations (amount & how it's split TBD for a period of 30 days - Sponsored by @sgt-dan
  • 1400 HIVE Power Delegation (amount & how it's split TBD after winner's list is announced) for 3 weeks - Sponsor @edicted



  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 10 HIVE (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
  • Winner of @traciyork's prize will receive 100 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION by @jeanlucsr ✔️
  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 10 HIVE POWER (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @livinguktaiwan ✔️
  • Winner of @livinguktaiwan's prize will receive 100 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION by @jeanlucsr ✔️



  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 500 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @sn0n
  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 50 HIVE (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @sn0n
  • 8th place on the power up list will win 1 HIVE Basic Income unit/levels Gift - Sponsored by @cmplxty
  • A yet-to-be-determined HIVE POWER DELEGATION - Sponsored by @fionasfavourites ✔️
  • A total of five 100 HIVE POWER 4 WEEK DELEGATIONS being given away based on the criteria in [THIS POST]( - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️


Special #HPUD Prize pool -

Last month before we decided to merge, I offered the Spanish #HPUD some delegations, so I'm keeping that as something separate for at least this month.

  • A total of 300 Hive Power delegations for 4 weeks, divided in any way @victoriabsb decides is best - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️

Timeline Reminder

  • Power up Hive on September 1st, 2020
  • Post about your powerup on September 1st, 2020
  • Unofficial winners list will be posted September 2nd or 3rd (allowing time to correct for errors/omissions)
  • Official winners list will be posted on September 5th, after which sponsors will disperse prizes


That's it for now!


Thanks to everyone for all you do to make our new blockchain space a home! Special shout out to @abh12345 for graciously agreeing to help me again by pulling together the data when the time comes - Asher, you're a ROCKSTAR! And here's to another awesomesauce Hive Power Up Day - I think we're doing @streetstyle proud!

Image Credits: blog thumbnail created on Canva, using a photo (that I first spotted on a post by @fionasfavourites) created by @nateaguila which is "free to use for the purpose of supporting, promoting, or marketing Hive-related topics or projects." HivePUD GIF created using both Giphy and ezGIF.



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All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


We're all in!!! @naturalmedicine will be supporting by offering a month long 500 HP delegation - plus we'll help out three people who can't make 10 HIVE.

Read here for details!

Thanks @traciyork, @hivebuzz, @arcange, @abh12345, @snon and all the other amazing crew that help create this incentivised PUD effort - hats of to you. I'm honestly so excited about the badges, you'd think I was 12.


Awesomeness, @naturalmedicine! So happy to have you aboard, and that's an amazing offer to help the Power Up Day effort!

And I hear you on the being excited about the badges (although my kids would probably peg my maturity at around 5... 😂 ). In fact, here's "actual footage" of the moment I found out about what the @hivebuzz team had in mind...

That is really cool @naturalmedicine and @riverflows! hahaha I can imagine you looking like this @traciyork! This months PUD will be so much fun!

Thank you for your support to the PUD initiative @lotusshares

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 20 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

!ENGAGE 25 😍

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

shared to our twitterfeed 3.png

Thanks a million for doing this Traci

Our community appreciate your efforts

Thank you in return, Nathan, for everything you're doing here & on Twitter! 😊

Cool - nice initiate. I guess small accounts would be helping themselves by powering up. Good luck everyone!

Yep, that's what @streetstyle was going for when he put together the first Power Up Day back on that other blockchain - showing small accounts how to help themselves grow by powering up. I'm glad I'm able to help keep it going, especially now that @hivebuzz is giving me badge fever.... 😂

And thanks, @yellowdoodle! 😊

badge fever
ha ha ha ha
you are welcome!

Yeah, I was a scary Girl Scout leader (especially since my co-leader was even more badge obsessed than me! 😂).

And don't even get me started on my WoW achievement board... 🤣

And eventhough you are small but we’re big before you need to enter just for fun every 1st of the month @yellowdoodle

Yes "we’re big"
I'm in it more for the community!

Whew, see that! It's #hivepud in a few days already. Awesome initiative, awesome prizes! 🤩

Lezz dooo this!

I can't believe August (and summer here in my neck of the woods) is already almost over, @arrliinn! And yes, let's...

do it.gif

And we are here again, time flies when you are having fun.
I learned something ( and it happenes eventhough I didn’t notice on Sunday in the EL ) to power up FOR people.

So when you just like me don’t meet the requirements anymore due to hp or rep you can power up for people !!!!

Interesting so I can give badges away aswell ???
Need to give this some thought I am powering up Offcourse like I have done the last 32 moons but I like this ......


That was quick, I thought we just had one hahahaha!!!
I hope everything is okay with @streetstyle!
Thank you once again Young Lady, although I don't have anything to power up this time (freakin' bummer!)

This is so cool! Glad I found out about it. I will definitely be making it a point to participate! Big time, hopefully.

awesome work as usual!

Almost forgot to #PoSH it!

Looks like this edition of the Power Up day will be even more exciting.

I got too much HP to participate, although I'm not complaining. I'm still keeping 200 HIVE for a power up on the 1st. I might participate, though not eligible for prizes, just to support this initiative.

I like this idea

Yes. I will continue to co-sponsor this initiative this coming September with $ 1000 HIVE delegation for a period of 30 days. I will get with you on how best to distribute the delegation to the participants.

Thank you ever so much for continuing this monthly PUD initiative!

Awesome. Will be joining this month as well.

It's always the case for me, I was a little premature 😉

Screenshot 20200825 at 22.14.19.png

Not sure if it meets all the criteria

Posted using Dapplr

I just completed my first Hive Power Up thanks to all the buzz I saw on Twitter regarding the #HPUD.

It's a nice feeling and look forward to reading more #HPUD messages from many hive people.

Happy #HPUD to all :)

Thank you for all of your efforts to support the monthly HivePUD project @traciyork!

P.S. I do have a quick question. Checking out the details of your reference to a "Power Up Day Helper badge," I couldn't find mention of that in your linked post. Just details about how to power-up to someone else's account. Did I miss that somewhere?

You are such a supporter of everything going on here! Well done and thank you!

I managed to do it even though only a little of what I Up, here it is:

Do you acquire the "power up helper" badge by delegating HP to a lower account? Or how do I power up another account without delegating?
